On Wednesday, October 28, 2020, Natick Town Meeting Members overwhelmingly approved Articles 1 and 2 during their Fall 2020 Town Meeting.
Article 1 rezones the front parcel of 45 East Central Street from RG
(Residential General) to DM (Downtown Mixed Use).
Article 2 authorizes the Select Board to petition the State legislature for a “site specific” liquor license at 45 East Central Street. Both Articles represent a major first step towards the redevelopment of the former St. Patrick Parish properties.
Stonegate would like to thank the Select Board for their sponsorship of both Articles, as well the Natick Planning Board, Finance Committee, Economic Development Committee, Natick Center Cultural District and Town Meeting Members for their support to help move this project forward.
We would also like to extend a special thanks to the Natick Community and Economic Development Department for their guidance and assistance.
Lastly, we would like to express our appreciation to our Natick neighbors
for their input and backing up to this point in the development process.