As reported at last night’s Board of Selectmen meeting, here are several updates
re: the St. Patricks Parish Property as of August 13th:
The demolition permit for 4 & 6 Lincoln St. was filed on August 4th after completing all the required work at the property (including pest control treatments & water line capping). We expect the permit to be issued within the next few days and hope to have the work scheduled in a few weeks (weather permitting).
Our new windscreen has been delivered and we anticipate the installation process
will begin within the next 2 weeks
In response to the August 6th break-in / fire at both the former school (45 E. Central St.) and
convent (5 Wilson St.), we will be boarding up all doors & lower level windows
at both buildings to prevent future trespassing.
Stonegate Group was outraged and disturbed by the senseless destruction to both buildings and we intend
to press charges against the responsible parties. We would again like to extend our appreciation and
gratitude to both the Natick Fire & Police Departments for their assistance this past week.
If you should have any questions, comments or concerns, please reach out to us at 508-655-1700
or via email (
Thank you!